2 September 2014: STEM-TEC Seminar by Professor John Buckeridge, RMIT University, Australia, "The pursuit of academic fame: an exposé of deception"
An exploration of plagiarism, what drives it, who does it, how to do it and how perpetrators have been apprehended. Illustrated with an exciting plethora of imagery, motion and sound.
John Buckeridge is Professor of Natural Resources Engineering in the School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, RMIT. He maintains wide international involvement in the environment and ethics, and teaches ethics in a range of RMIT programs. John has published extensively on professional ethics, environmental impact assessment, geotechnology, and the palaeobiology, evolution and distribution of marine invertebrates. He is Fellow of the Geological Society (London), Chair of the International Union of Biological Sciences Ethics Commission, and Chair of the International Society of Zoological Sciences Working Group on Environmental Ethics.
He was President of the International Biological Society, President of the International Zoological Society, and the day following his talk at our Centre on 3 September 2014 he was elected a member of Executive Board of the International Council for Science - a non-governmental organisation with a global membership of national scientific bodies (121 Members, representing 141 countries) and International Scientific Unions (31 Members).
Professor John Buckeridge at his talk at the STEM-TEC Centre seminar on September 2, 2014