The following STEM education projects have been completed by our members since 2008. Many of our members have completed projects in traditional STEM subjects; these projects are not included here.
- Investigating the impact of non-routine problem-solving on creativity, engagement, and intuition of STEM tertiary students. (2020). Leaders: A/Prof Sergiy Klymchuk and Prof Mike Thomas, University of Auckland. Supported by a $198,200 grant from the New Zealand Council for Educational Research. Report:
- Computing for the social good. (2017). Leaders: A/Prof Tony Clear and A/Prof Jacqueline Whalley. Output-1: Conference paper
; Output-2:; Output-3:
- Screencasts in mathematics. (2016). Leader: Dr Robin Hankin. Supported by an AUT Learning and Teaching Development Fund grant. Output: Conference paper
- Effective Strategies for Teaching Statistics to Non-Specialists. (2014). Leader: Dr Sarah Marshall. Supported by an AUT Learning and Teaching Development Fund grant. Report: Poster
- Rewarding Sustainability with Green Teaching Badges II. (2014). Leader: Dr William Liu. Supported by an AUT Learning and Teaching Development Fund grant. Output: Conference paper
- Enhancing the Teaching of Mathematically Intensive STEM Disciplines at a Tertiary Level Through the Use of Pen-enabled Tablet PCs (2018). A PhD thesis by Peter Maclaren. Supervisors: Primary Supervisor Associate Professor Sergiy Klymchuk, Secondary Supervisor Associate Professor Tony Clear, Third Supervisor Associate Professor David Wilson. Report: Enhancing the Teaching of Mathematically Intensive STEM Disciplines at a Tertiary Level Through the Use of Pen-enabled Tablet PCs
- Enhancing generic thinking skills of tertiary STEM students through puzzle-based learning (2017). Leader: A/Prof Sergiy Klymchuk. Supported by a $10,000 grant from Ako Aotearoa National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. Report: Enhancing generic thinking skills of tertiary STEM students
- STEMpreneurial Bugs for South Auckland Youth (2016). Leaders: A/Prof Sergiy Klymchuk and Dr Sangeeta Karmokar. Supported by a $28,500 grant from the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). Report: STEMpreneurial Bugs for South Auckland Youth
- New Horizons: STEM Meet-ups for South Auckland Youth (2015). Leaders: A/Prof Sergiy Klymchuk and A/Prof Frances Joseph. Supported by a $21,850 grant from the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). Report: New Horizons: STEM Meet-ups for South Auckland Youth
- Science in the New Zealand Curriculum – three projects: Science Community Engagement; E-Learning in Science; Curriculum Support for Science (2013). Manager: Prof Jane Gilbert. Supported by a $440,000 grant from the Ministry of Education. Summary Report:
- Rewarding Sustainability with Green Teaching Badges (2013). Co-leaders: Dr William Liu and Dr Stephen Thorpe. Supported by an AUT Learning and Teaching Development Fund grant. Report: Rewarding Sustainability with Green Teaching Badges
- Tertiary Students Perceived Value of Practical Work Contributing to the Learning of Science (2011-2013). Leader: Wendy Emson. Report:
- Enhancing Teaching and Learning Wi-Fi Networking using Limited Resources to Undergraduates (2013). Leader: A/Prof Nurul Sarkar. Supported by AUT's Transitional Research Path Funds grant. Report: Enhancing Teaching and Learning Wi-Fi
- Using Inquiry-Based Learning to Develop and Assess Statistical Reasoning (2007-2012). Leader: Dr Murray Black. Supported by the Research Teaching Scheme scholarship of the Australian government and the AUT Vice-Chancellor completion scholarship. Report:
- Teaching Squares, and Pen-Enabled Technology in an Engineering Community of Practice (2012). Leaders: Prof Tek Tjing Lie, A/Prof David I Wilson. Supported by an AUT Learning and Teaching Development Fund grant. Report: Teaching Squares and Pen-Enabled Technology
- An Interactive system for Teaching and Learning Wired, Wireless LAN, TCP/IP Networking and Data Link Design (2012). Leader: A/Prof Nurul Sarkar. Supported by AUT's Resources for Enhancing Learning and Teaching grant. Report:
- Greener and Smarter Computing (2012). Leader: Dr William Liu. Supported by an AUT Learning and Teaching Development Fund grant. Report: Greener and smarter computing
- A Mobile-Based Learning and Teaching Interactive Environment (2010-2011). Leader: Dr Wei Qi Yan. Supported by the AUT Learning and Teaching Development Fund grant. Report: A Mobile-Based Learning
- The BRACElet: Investigating the Learning of Programming by Novices – an international project (2007-2010). Co-leaders: A/Prof Tony Clear, Dr Jacqueline Whalley, and Dr Raymond Lister, University of Technology Sydney. Supported by several grants including an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Grant of 90,000AUD. Report:
- The Transition from Secondary to Tertiary Mathematics Education – a national project (2008-2010). Leaders: A/Prof Sergiy Klymchuk and Prof Mike Thomas, University of Auckland. Supported by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research: $180,000. Report:
- Distribution of the Book Counterexamples in Calculus to New Zealand High Schools – a national project (2010). Leader: A/Prof Sergiy Klymchuk. Supported by the Ako Aotearoa National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence: $12,000. Book's website: - Using Counter-Examples to Enhance Learners' Understanding of Undergraduate Mathematics (2009). Leader: A/Prof Sergiy Klymchuk. Supported by a Good Practice Publication Grant from Ako Aotearoa National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. Report:
- LOGIC-Minimiser: A Software Tool to Enhance Teaching and Learning Minimization of Boolean Expressions (2009). Leader: A/Prof Nurul Sarkar. Supported by AUT's Transitional Research Path Funds grant. Report
- Teaching Mathematics Applications to Engineering Students – an international project (2008). Leader: A/Prof Sergiy Klymchuk. Supported by the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD). Output 1, Output 2